Wood Lake At Wood Lake Publishing we’re proud of our more than 35 year history serving readers and churches with quality books.

For engaged Christian leaders, we have assembled a very special Fall Reading Package of essential readings at a price that’s easy to afford.

Wood Lake Lectionary

1. An Audacious Invitation (a $20.95 value)
2. The Emerging Christian Way (a $22.95 value)
3. The Long View (a $19.95 value)
4. Practicing Reverence (a $27.95 value)
5. Soul Quest: A Spiritual Odyssey (a $22.95 value)
6. Free eBook: A Voluptuous God (a $9.98 value)

All for only $49.95* A Savings of over 60%.
* Please note that this offer expires on November 30, 2017.

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An Audacious Invitation

New from Wood LakeA Compelling Reflection on the Gospel According To John | Walter Farquharson and Jeff Cook | 224 PP | 6" x 9" Paper | List price $20.95 |A startling new commentary on the Gospel of John by former United Church Moderator Walter Farquharson and long-time United Church minister Jeff Cook. Walter's reflections paired with Jeff's point-counterpoint responses allow the reader to participate in an energetic dialogue that will both surprise and inspire. Here we discover a Jesus of love and compassion and hope, a compelling call to a new way of living.

The Emerging Christian Way

New from Wood LakeThoughts, Stories, and Wisdom for a Faith of Transformation | Michael Schwartzentruber | 256 PP | 6" x 9" Paper | List price $22.95 | The face of Christianity is changing. In recent years, and in rapidly increasing numbers, people have begun to understand the core message and purpose of Christianity differently. They have returned to its ancient roots and found a wisdom that speaks to their experience of faith and God. According to this emerging vision, Christianity is primarily about transformation - the transformation of the self through a living and dynamic experience of God, who is not separate from us, but a part of us; and the transformation of society. The Emerging Christian Way: Thoughts, Stories, and Wisdom for a Faith of Transformation is a collection of 13 essays, by some of the leading authors and thinkers in the field, covering ever aspect of this developing Christian paradigm. Contributors include Marcus Borg, Matthew Fox, Tom Harpur, Tim Scorer, Sallie McFague, Cynthia Bourgeault, Nancy Reeves, Don Grayston, the Very Rev. Bill Phipps, the Very Rev. Anne Squire, Mark Maclean, Bruce Harding, and Michael Schwartzentruber.

The Long View: An Elderwoman's Book of Wisdom

New from Wood LakeDonna Sinclair | 336 PP | 6" x 7" Paper | List price $19.95 | The Long View is all about finding and offering hope. It's about claiming the full meaning of eldership and knowing that elderwomen have much to offer. This collection of 365 daily reflections offers elderwomen (and younger women who wish to listen in) an opportunity to nourish the wisdom and deep knowing that comes from life experience. It also holds out the potential for growth, the opportunity to waken to different perspectives that can lead to rich possibilities and courageous actions. This is territory Donna Sinclair knows well. Retired from a 35-year career as a respected journalist, Donna has found plenty of life and purpose to carry her forward. In particular, she has come to realize the important role elderwomen can play in our society - remembering the past, speaking out against injustice, seeking to restore the balance of creation.

Practicing Reverence: An Ethic

New from Wood Lakefor Sustainable Earth Communities | Ross Smillie | 288 PP | 6" x 9" Paper | List Price $27.95 | Every day we hear more about how humans are degrading the environment and causing suffering to themselves and the rest of life. Where will it end? Practicing Reverence shows that it is up to all of us, in community, to live in ways that honour not just our own lives, but all life. Minister, theologian, and environmental ethics teacher Ross Smillie combines his areas of expertise to document our current situation and, even more importantly, to offer hope. Smillie's science background is evident in his extensive factual reporting of ecological issues. His engagement with theology and ethics balances scientific fact with moral and ethical ponderings. The result is an up-close view of how things "are," and a glimpse of how things "could be."

Soul Quest: A Spiritual Odyssey

New from Wood Lakethrough 40 Days and 40 Nights of Mountain Solitude | Paul Hawker | 224 PP | 6" x 9" | Paper | List Price: $22.95 | Finding himself at midlife, feeling hollow and a like fraud, Paul Hawker embarks on a journey into the wilderness. In the tradition of the vision quest, like a hero in a mythic tale, he leaves his family and community to spend 40 days and 40 nights on a New Zealand mountaintop knowing full well the solitude, deprivation, and dangers he will face from exposure to the elements. But like many mystics and sages before him, he chooses a path of physical and spiritual testing as way to break through the veneer of his life.

A Special BONUS - Yours FREE when you order.

Great Books from Wood Lake If you purchase this Fall Reading Package, we'll also send you the ebook A Voluptuous God: A Christian Heretic Speaks by Robert Thompson | In this captivating book, Bob Thompson opens a window onto the soul and lets the welcome breeze of his writing freshen many of our traditional perspectives on Christianity. Using humour and a light and accessible tone, he challenges religious orthodoxy in a non-confrontational way that encourages us to live our humanity joyfully, thankfully, and fully from our hearts. He offers an image of God that is not obscured by rigid dogma, the idea of separation, or an obligatory sense of unworthiness. Voluptuous is not a word most of us associate with God. Yet God is delicious, says Thompson. God takes pleasure in simple things. God knows "that laughter is the best medicine, that only love can heal what ails us, and that only joy can cause our hearts to sing."


Imagining, living, and telling the faith story.

It has told:
  • The story of the seasons of the earth, the people of God, and the place and purpose of faith in the world
  • The story of the faith journey, from birth to death
  • The story of Jesus and the churches that carry his message.

    Wood Lake has been telling stories for more than 35 years. During that time, it has given form and substance to the words, songs, pictures, and ideas of hundreds of storytellers.

    Those stories have taken a multitude of forms - parables, poems, drawings, prayers, epiphanies, songs, books, paintings, hymns, curricula - all driven by a common mission of serving those on the faith journey.